Our trip details are starting to come together and Soon-day's complex international travel plans seem to be working out. After a flurry of packing today I'm feeling a little more prepared to take off (thanks Mom) and Dan is ready to go with all of his new MEC gear (except maybe the ridiculous-looking joggers' fanny pack...that might not find its way to the plane...).
Overall, I'm sad to leave but excited to go - isn't it always that way?
We're both really looking forward to some quality time up at Liz's cottage and Rockwell Island over the next week and a bit. The last few days are always the sweetest!
Until next time,
I can't believe that you're off so soon! Jen and I were saying that we're not really going to feel it until we try to call you!! Safe travels!
Wonderful to see the photos and here all about your first few days. I'll be checking frequently so keep us posted! Love Mom
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